Dear all:
Our 2019-2020 fall semester will start on Saturday Sep. 7 2019. We will still be on the second floor of Building F at Lone star college. The classrooms are F212, 213, 218, 219, 232 and 233. For those of you who are new to the school, grade 1 (F232) and speaking 1 (F233) classes are 1:00pm-2:00pm; grades 2-7 and speaking 2 classes are 2:00-4:00pm. We will be available for on-site registration on Sep.7. Please fill out the online registration forms. Class schedule and teachers’ information will be updated shortly. We look forward to seeing you on Sep.7 and off to another great year!
我们2019-2020 秋季学期将于9月7日(周六)开始。 教室在孤星学院F楼2楼, 教室为212,213, 218, 219, 232 和233。 一年级( F232) 和口语一班(F233)上课时间为1:00-2:00, 其他班级为2:00-4:00。 9月7号我们会在现场处理报名缴费工作, 您也可以在网上报名缴费。 现场和网上报名的家长请都填写好网上报名表格。 学期和老师安排将马上更新。 我们期待着9月7号与大家见面, 并开始又一个美好的学年!