The Woodlands Chinese School

Children’s Chinese Dance Class

林子Talent 儿童中国舞舞蹈班开学啦! The Woodlands Talent’s Chinese Dancing Class for Children is now open for registration.   首课免费试课! The first class is a free trial! 1. 课程介绍 Course Introduction 作为舞蹈美育启蒙,以科学的舞蹈形体训练为主,辅之优美小舞蹈组合,重点培养少儿舞蹈基本功素质。培养孩子热爱舞蹈艺术,循序渐进的训练孩子用美丽的肢体语言表达自己。 Introducing the concept of beauty through dance, the program includes dance…


Spring 2025春季1月5日开课!林城中文学校舞蹈成人班 2025 Spring Semester and The Woodlands Chinese School’s Adult Dance Class starts January 5th!   招生简章: Enrollment: 1. 教师简介 About the Teacher 由毕业于北京舞蹈学院、国家专业院团主要演员、具有20多年演员职业生涯和教学经验的舞蹈专业教师执教,系统教学,名师指导。因舞相聚,美美与共,与舞相依。 Xiaomin Li Halterman is a professional dance instructor who graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy.…